Neurosurgeons are known as the doctors who perform complicated operations on the brain. Interestingly, brain surgery is just a small part of what neurosurgeons do. They deal with the entire nervous system, treating every part of the body affected by nerve issues.Persistent numbness, especially in the extremities, is a symptom of sensory nerve damage. Sensory nerves are found under the skin and in the muscles. They carry information back to the brain. If the nerves fail to do so correctly, then numbness, burning, tingling or pain occurs. The hand can lose the ability to grasp objects because of pain or loss of sensation. Usually, this is caused when the wrist swells as a result of injury or illness. The swollen wrist constricts the median nerve, causing pain, tingling or loss of sensation. This condition is known as carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel develops gradually. To prevent worsening of the condition, a person should seek medical attention as soon as they notice even the smallest of symptoms.
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