The medical speciality of neurosurgery is dedicated to the diagnosis and surgical or non-surgical treatment of problems affecting the neurological system of the body. One of the top medical specialties is neurosurgery. After graduating from medical school, they devote up to an additional seven years to intense research, clinical work, and credentialing in order to be qualified to treat these sensitive bodily functions. A neurosurgeon is a medical professional who focuses in treating nerve system disorders. The brain, spinal cord, cerebrovascular system, and peripheral nervous system make up the nervous system. Neurosurgeons diagnose neurological problems using sophisticated technology techniques including an EEG, MRI, and CT scan. In addition, they employ cutting-edge surgical procedures together with cutting-edge drugs and therapies to assist cure these ailments. If you are searching for best neuro surgeon doctor you can contact to Neuro Spine & Gynae Clinic.
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