An ordinary surgical surgery to remove a lesion, or irregularity, from the brain is called a laminectomy. Congenital abnormalities, tumors, brain traumas, strokes, and other illnesses that result in epilepsy and seizure disorders are examples of lesions. In persons with epilepsy who do not get better despite taking medication, a lesion also known as the seizure focus causes seizures. On the other hand, it is unclear whether the seizures are brought on by irritation of the brain tissue around the lesion or whether the lesion itself causes them. Lesionectomy plus corticectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing the lesion as well as a small rim of brain tissue that surrounds it. People with epilepsy associated with a specific lesion whose seizures are not controlled by medication may be a good candidate for laminectomy. The lesion and surrounding brain tissue must also be able to be removed without harming the parts of the brain involved in crucial processes including language, movement, feeling, and memory.
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