A lesion, or damaged or unnaturally functioning portion of the brain, is removed during a lesionectomy. Brain lesions include tumors, hematomas, aberrant blood arteries, and scars from head trauma or infection. When epilepsy patients' seizures do not get better despite taking medication, they have seizures because of a lesion, commonly known as the seizure focus. It is unclear for sure whether the seizures are brought on by the lesion itself or whether the irritation of the brain tissue around the lesion is what causes the seizures. For this reason, a procedure known as a lesionectomy plus cordectomy may additionally involve the removal of a thin rim of brain tissue surrounding the lesion. For those whose epilepsy is associated with a specific lesion and whose seizures are not controlled by medication, lesionectomy may be a possibility. Furthermore, it must be able to remove the lesion and the surrounding brain tissue without harming the parts of the brain involved in crucial processes including movement, sensation, language, and memory. The patient's likelihood of benefiting from surgery also needs to be plausible. Even while the idea of having brain surgery can be terrifying, many people find it to be safe and helpful; in fact, for some, it may even be considered a cure. You should go to Neuro Spine & Gynae Clinic if you're looking for the ideal location for lesionectomy surgery.
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